Dress to impress….?

Well there’s a question for ya. Do we or don’t we? What I’m getting at is, who do you actually dress for? Is it for you, or to impress others? Tough one isn’t it?

I certainly fall bang smack in the middle of this little conundrum! On one hand I think, sod what other folk think, I’m wearing it, but on the other hand I’d feel a right twit if people thought I looked a right twit….. If ya get my drift!!!

I love experimenting with fashion and as much as I feel I am up to date with the latest trends I’m also a bit of a traditionalist.

As I’m careering toward my mid 50’s I feel more comfortable with my style and my size and shape and am glad I don’t feel the pressure to look ‘trendy’ at all times. That said, I absolutely love H&M, and am addicted to their Conscious clothing scheme and inject a few pieces in to my wardrobe each season. Also when I’m getting ready to go out with the hubster I always, ALWAYS ask for his approval, why? Well I’ll tell you why. If he’s doesn’t like or approve of what what I’m wearing I won’t wear it, let’s face it, there’s no point in me going out wearing something he doesn’t like, is there? I just wouldn’t feel comfortable.

I think when choosing an outfit, there’s a few things to consider, comfort, but hey you won’t EVER see me down the pub in my sweat pants, ha ha, and style. Hey we all have fat days and that in itself poses problems, both comfortable and confidence!

What I think I’m trying to say is that if you feel good and comfortable in what you wearing then that’s good enough and you should never dress to please people because let’s face it, one person may think you look absolutely amazing and other people may think you look an absolute horror show.

So, feeling comfortable and happy in what you wear will radiate confidence, which in turn will make your whole personality better.

So there you have it. Dress in what you feel happy in and you will impress…….. Got it! Phew glad I got that off my chest. Ha ha.

See you all soon my gorgeous fashionistas of all shapes ages and sizes!!!

V x 💫💕

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